Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DIY Glitter Makeup Brush Holder

I absolutely LOVE DIY projects. I know a million people have done this before and you can find all different tutorials on the internet but I still wanted to share mine. This is a very easy way to add a little sparkle to your bathroom or wherever you keep your makeup. Hope you enjoy.:)    

  • Mod Podge
  • Glitter
  • Thick paint brush/foam brush
  • Any clear glass container (I got mine at the Dollar Store)
  • Any vase filler

Start by pouring some mod podge in your glass container.

Brush on entire inside of container.

Should look like this when done.

Pour in a generous amount of glitter.

Turn to coat the inside.

Dry overnight. I eventually turned the container over and it dried much faster.

Fill with your vase filler once dry and stick your brushes in. 

Please excuse my doggie in the background.:)

Here are a couple more that I made for my daughter. I wont be filling hers with vase filler. I will be using them for her hair stuff. 

As you can see, this is very easy and fun. You can really use any glass container. One thing that I do suggest doing as a last step is to spray on an acrylic sealer over the glitter. 

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